How to Create & Nurture an Effective Communication Strategy for Your B2C
Effective B2C communication goes deeper than just sending out information. It requires understanding the customer’s needs and wants, creating a message that speaks to these needs, and then delivering it engagingly. Effective customer communication is a critical component of success for any business today. It involves more than just sending out information and hoping that […]
Start taking product photos today, see the benefits tomorrow.
There is no easy way to put this, but generating sales takes more than creating a website. How do you stand out with so much competition in the parts & accessories market? What makes you different? Why should someone go to your site, and why should they buy from you? What is your story? One […]
3 Benefits to Creating Product Videos: How They Can Help Convert More Customers, Build Trust and Keep Them Engaged
If you are looking for ways to increase online sales, one of the best marketing tools to use is product videos. A study found that visitors who had seen a product video were 144% more likely to purchase it. I mean, come on. That should say enough right there. And in all honesty, product videos […]