Retargeting Benefits for your OEM Parts Website
Marketing can be a tricky science to master, but to succeed in the world of online business, it’s imperative to understand the multiple elements that make up a successful marketing campaign. For OEM parts websites in particular, it’s important to understand how to both get new customers and retain older ones. Your OEM parts marketing should include a multi-pronged approach of search engine optimization (SEO), content marketing, and possibly utilizing a paid advertising network such as pay-per-click (PPC) advertising through Google AdWords. If you’ve already invested in these fundamental pieces of your marketing campaign however, it may be time to look into a more advanced approach in order to get a higher retention rate in customers. Retargeting is exactly the method you should consider, as it not only will bring old customers back to your site, but can even help boost other metrics like time on site and can allow you to more specifically reach out to different customer segments in unique ways. If you’re interested in taking your marketing to the next level, read on to find out more about the many benefits of retargeting.
What is Retargeting?
First of all, it’s important to understand what retargeting is and how it works. Retargeting is a method of tagging visitors to your site in order to later market to them across an advertising network. For example, if a visitor comes to your site, if they’re later on another site which is enrolled in the same advertising network, say Google AdWords, your ads will be placed on the other site for the same visitor to view. Another popular method is to create video advertisements that users will later see on a site like YouTube prior to watching whatever video they’re viewing. Essentially, you’ll appear all over the place while they surf the web, and you’ll constantly be brought back to their forefront of their memory.
This is beneficial for a number of reasons. First, retargeting allows you to remind prior leads about your brand on a regular basis to encourage them to return. But even more importantly perhaps, retargeting can be done incredibly efficiently and effectively by targeting specific segments of your customer audience. For example, if someone has visited your OEM parts website for a specific product or search they did to get to your site, your retargeting campaign can run different ads for those people than for someone else who visits the blog on your site regularly. Metrics can help you understand your customer’s needs are, and then you can use that information to retarget them for those particular needs.
How to Incorporate Retargeting
Retargeting is a powerful tool, but it can take some work to get it right in order to get the best results for an OEM parts website. You’ll want to start by getting a general idea of what your customer segments are as mentioned above in order to run different campaigns to target each segment most effectively. It’ll take some trial and error to see where your greatest gains occur, but you’re likely to get some surprising numbers in conversions and customer retention rates if you can stick it out. Other things to consider for your retargeting campaign are how long you’ll retarget a customer after they’ve visited your site (for example, 1 week, or 1-2 months), as well as how frequently your ads will appear. While it seems like it would be beneficial to be in front of a customer’s screen 24/7, you don’t want to be obnoxious and annoying in your advertising, as this could actually back-fire and cause customers to start thinking negatively about your brand. Instead, retarget with a frequency cap so you’re not always there, and change up your marketing message so that it’s not the same old tired and boring ad your leads have seen over and over. This will keep you within the perfect balance of staying fresh in their minds on a regular basis without getting overly annoying, and will help you on your way to perfecting your retargeting campaign.