We live in a fast paced world where there is constant change in almost every industry. When it comes to the automotive parts department, there are a lot of expected changes, including the way business is done. If you are a dealership owner, a general manager, or a parts manager, you know how important it is to have effective marketing strategies to improve branding. In recent years, automotive parts departments are making big changes in how they market to gain more sales. There are some marketing methods that you should take advantage of:
Social Media: One of the best ways to enhance your brand awareness is to get current on social media. If you do not have a social media account or your presence is lacking, make sure you improve on this front first. The digital marketing world is now so high-end that social media is now a big part of reaching your target audience.
Accessibility: Speaking of your target audience, it is important that you are more accessible to them. These days, more and more people stop using their phone for calling. There are also fewer people who would walk in to visit your dealership to ask questions to get answers. Instead, they are more interested in contacting you online, which is why it is important to have 24/7 customer service support via your website and social media presence.
Connected Efforts: As you build your brand, using an e-commerce parts web store, it is helpful if you connect your marketing strategies. For instance, if you use email marketing, video content in emails, and social media sharing; you should make your brand ubiquitous on all corners of the web.
Videos: The past few years showed us how powerful videos are for digital marketing. This year and in the coming years, you already know this medium is going to expand. Any parts department, just like other businesses, should take advantage of this marketing method.
Using the marketing techniques mentioned above, we now focus on using video content in promoting your web store. There are many ways to do this, including integrating more videos on your Facebook or other social media pages. It could be tempting to make long videos, but as much as possible, stick with shorter ones from 30 to 90 seconds only. Another method that you should seriously take advantage of is live streaming.
What Going Live Can Do for Your Automotive Parts Department
It was 2005 when a website called YouTube was created. This site forever changed not only the Internet but the digital world as well. Fast forward to this year; there are now live streaming apps that we can use, including Facebook Live, Instagram Live, Meerkat, and Periscope.
The mentioned apps have one goal: to provide followers (and customers) information or content in real-time. Most of the time, individuals are the ones that use these apps for live videos, but business should also take advantage of them. In no time, these businesses will see great results once they go live.