There are lots of ways to make customers want to come back to your website to place a future order and getting repeat customers is the least expensive way to market your site. These loyal customers are also the most likely to refer your business to a friend, family or colleague, so you’ll want to make sure that you are keeping in touch when they are ready to place their next order or know someone looking for parts and accessories. We have outlined some simple and cost effective methods to keep your current customers coming back and increase the likelihood that new customers turn into repeat customers of the future.
Email Marketing
By partnering with OEM Interactive you already know how important this can be for your business. We offer this service included within your monthly package by setting up a MailChimp account and linking this to your web store sign-ups. After exceeding 2,000 contacts you can opt to pay for additional email marketing by contacting our customer success team. This is worthwhile, since the marketing expense to gain these orders is much less than to go out and entice new customers using Google ads. If you are currently using email marketing hopefully you’ve been paying attention to what promotional offers work to draw in business and are using that data to work with your customer success team to format future campaigns. You can perfect your marketing efforts by tracking what works best for your customer base and making changes as you go.
Packing Slip Promotions
Almost everyone includes a packing slip with each order they ship, but are you taking advantage of this by including a promotional offer that can be used on their next order? If not, this is a great way to avoid the cost associated with a separate insert while having the same effect! Customers will be more likely to keep your coupon and come back the next time they need parts and accessories if they know they had a good experience the first time around AND get an offer to save even more money next time.
Boost Social Media Presence
Many dealers make the mistake of overlooking social media as a valid marketing tool. The fact is, this is the easiest way to stay in touch with your current customer base and push new information out to the public without them coming back to the website. Facebook is a great place to start for those that are new to the social craze and driving customers to review your site after making a purchase is also an effective method for building trust for new buyers. Facebook has a great system to walk you through what you will need and how to setup the page, just click here to get started!
If you are struggling with implementing these tools then we are always here to help. Just book a call with our customer success team by clicking here and we will reach out to help.
Reviews Matter: Elevate Your Reputation, Boost Your Success
Product and business reviews can be incredibly impactful when helping customers make purchasing decisions. Reviews provide a valuable source of